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About EPP

The Encyclopedia Puritannica Project (EPP) is a federation of Christians who believe the orthodox truths of Scripture to be well understood and applied by the Puritans and other Reformed teachers -- both past and present. Many of their works have been nearly forgotten or ignored by the modern church and have thus become practically inaccessible. Our vision is to make these works available and easily referenced by individual believers, elders, pastors, seminarians, and theological professors everywhere to spread the truth of the Gospel as the Lord Jesus Christ commands.

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Our Goals

* To help ordinary, true Christian believers to independently and reliably be able to receive help from God's appointed and gifted teachers (Neh 8:8)

* To help defend the Body of Christ from false teachers and all other purveyors of novel interpretations of God's word (Isa 8:20)

* To begin fulfilling the technology promise made to all of us, that electronic texts would be far cheaper than paper books! The EPP is unaware of any other electronic publisher with a lower "cost per page" than the EPP itself.

* To provide faithful and reliable e-Texts and otherwise retain direct copies of originals. This goal is shared with an EPP federate, the Reformation Imaging Group (RIG), which supplies clean TIFF scans from which the EPP begins its e-text pipeline. RIG maintains a large and growing library of scans, which can always be consulted on textual matters involving EPP e-texts.

* To provide a substantial library which has NO dependency on the Internet.

* To support traditional paper-based publishers with high-end technology and enhanced quality processes.

* To encourage elements of the Christian publishing industry to mutually support and leverage one another, for greater efficiency and productivity.

* To continue to extend the EPP's usefulness by the prudent use of ever newer technologies, such as powerful "free text search", Graph-type databases and digital semantic queries built on impartial computerized ontological structures, etc.

* To augment the important missionary efforts of bringing God's word to unwritten languages, through non-English versions of EPP products.

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Christian Publication Interactions

Christian Publication Interactions

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Hall of Grace









2006 Jan

Circa 2005



Circa 2004

Circa 2003



Circa 1989

- Eternity +





Nathan Freeman

"bigred" and wife


Reformed Heritage Books (RHB)

EPP Team


Pastor Pete Smith, RPCNA

Sally Humphries

EPP Team

EPP Team



Ruling Elder T.D.

The risen Lord Jesus Christ

ACHIEVEMENT "video guy" / web master; contributed significant effort to create an attractive video which was choreographed to P. Washer's product discussion; also web page expertise.

Mobile software expert for all the 'pro bono' work of getting iPad and Android tablet 3.0 apps ready for their respective app stores!

First known EPP 3.0 on Android tablet.

First known EPP 3.0 on iPad.

After many 100s of hours of labor, delivered e-Texts to RHB for the first volume of the 10-volume set of Williams Perkins' "Works".

Wonderfully gracious publishing partner with a rich, mutually reinforcing relationship (see Relationships diagram above).

EPP 3.0 released with 231 works.

Large, gracious donation of quality e-Texts.

The other A-grade EPP proofer. His meticulous and efficient work has "purified" many EPP e-Texts.

1 of 2 A-grade "comparative proofers" and the most prolific; single-handedly responsible for the high quality of about 80 percent of the EPP 3.0 works.

EPP 2.0 published with over 100 works.

EPP 1.0 prototype finalized and given restricted distribution for realistic user evaluation and feedback.

Very significant contributions to EPP's and RIG's custom software; general technology assistance and guidance.

Initial dream of being able to quickly see Biblical context for any scripture reference (of which most Puritan works are chock-full!

Very innocently, gave the EPP founder (as a young man) his first Puritan book: Henry Scudder's "The Christian's Daily Walk"!

Without Whom, ultimately nothing is worth doing and nothing lasts.

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